How To Manage Remote Teams?

Managing remote teams sometimes is not an easy task. However, it can really be fun if you can manage the workforce well and schedule everything according to a plan.

There are many ways which can help you formulate a perfect strategy to manage your remote team. Here are a few tips you can follow.

9 Ways To Manage Remote Teams

How To Manage Remote Teams

1. Select a perfect combination of tech-apps and online tools

This is the foremost thing in managing the remote teams. Firstly, you have to select a perfect combination of items for your team work leads.

You should look into the best software and smart applications for managing your employers and team. You can use Whatsapp groups, Zoom Application, Microsoft Teams and other things of your choice and capability. These apps will help you create a decorated environment for your

2. Assign tasks according to your workload

You should be aware of the fact that whenever you are doing something, a major part of the strategy goes into planning things. You should plan things according to your workload and priorities.

The most important thing to do is to divide your workload according to the priority and its importance. The most important work should be assigned to the most senior and experienced team member.

3. Keep record and contact details of every remote team member.

You should always keep record and contact details of every team member who is working for you. Keeping in contact with the team members is very important. You should have the personal calling number, whatsapp number, email, facebook, google account of every employee.

In case, you are unable to contact anyone of them at a single platform, you can use multiple sources to contact and keep in touch with the worker. Therefore, it is mandatory that you keep the record for the difficult times.

4. Be humble and calm and flexible while working

It is pertinent to note that you should always be humble and lenient with your employees who are already working remotely.

There should not be any rudeness in your attitude, you should always be humble, down-to-earth and flexible while working and monitoring the work being done.

5. Strictly manage the follow-ups

Follow ups are very important when it comes to online work and working with remote teams. Therefore, you should always keep a follow-up check at the work being assigned and the work that is in progress. You should keep in touch with every team member on and off.

Just leave them a message or you can even have a group video call. You can ask every individual regarding the work progress and you can ask of there is some issue at their ends.

6. Frequently have video calls and mentoring sessions

If you want that your remote working team work very efficiently, you should frequently arrange video call sessions with them. Just make them comfortable and be very much encouraging.

There should never be any issue that remains unresolved. You should always support your team members for the betterment of your company/business or for the work you are doing.

7. Keep in mind that any of your remote team member can get sick

This is the most important thing you should keep in mind. Your team member can get sick at any time. Even, they can face any emergency situation at any time.

Therefore, you should always be prepared for the worst things to come. If someone gets unavailable for certain reasons, you should know how to reassign the work to some other remote team member or you will need the services of some other new worker. This thing will definitely help you out in your emergency times.

8. Announce bonuses and extra money to keep your team motivated

It is a renowned fact that employers who announce and give extra perks to their employees, always find the best outcomes in their businesses.

Therefore, it is highly recommended that you should always announce extra bonuses for your hardworking team members. It will not only keep them motivated, but it will also create a sense of aspiration among other team members.

9. Make your remote team members comfortable with you

Don’t be a rude, aloof and an arrogant boss; always exhibit yourself as a leader. You should always be very much facilitating towards your employees. You should never be aloof or arrogant with them. Always listen to them when you feel that they want to talk to you regarding any issue.

You should always be sure that every individual might be facing some issue at home due to any reason. You should always be very much accommodating and kind hearted. This will give them a great confidence in you and it will also make you their favorite boss. These are some of the things that you can do to manage your remote teams.

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Author: Attiya Awan

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